Zayko: Web design


Nonprofits: Does Your Website Give People What They Want?

More and more, the Internet is where the people are. A website is no longer a luxury - it is a must for communicating information about your nonprofit organization.

But what makes a website a success? In most cases, website quality does not depend so much on the technical complexity as on the strength of the information, the layout of the site, and how well it all supports your organization's goals and your visitors' needs. In a recent GuideStar/Network for Good survey, Internet users ranked "Significant content on cause" as the most important quality a nonprofit website could have. Click here to read more...


Online Marketing

Creating a website and publishing it on the Web does not guarantee your desired audience will find it. So how do you ensure your website gets found?

To break through the clutter and get visibility, it is essential that you drive traffic to your website. You can achieve this through a variety of off-line and on-line marketing techniques. Here are some promotional options: search engine marketing, banner advertising, email marketing, affiliate marketing... to name a few.

Among them Search Engine Marketing is the most powerful online customer acquisition strategy today. It is all about using Internet search engines and directories to deliver targeted traffic (visitors) to web sites. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a key aspect of search engine marketing. Today it involves much more than simply optimizing page code.

Apart from search engine optimization, other key aspects of search engine marketing are the design and management of link building and PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns.

Maybe you've already got a website and know all of the above. But if you are new to this field and want to learn more, read this article...


On Semiotics...

A sign is anything that can be used to tell a lie.

—Umberto Eco


The Day After the Election Day

Yesterday I voted. We voted... for Kerry/Edwards of course.
In Massachusetts and in my circle of friends most people voted for them. All of us are people highly concerned about the country's economy, the human rights, the healthcare cost, the environment... I assumed people like us were the majority...

Today I couldn't believe the results. Bush... for another four years!? Four (4) more years of the same?! It's difficult for me to believe that so many people approve of the bad things that happened in the last four years.

We are a minority.

How sad... Why do people vote against themselves?


People Networks™ is my husband's Web2.0 company