Zayko: Web design


Mendums Pond, New Hampshire

Mendums Pond
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Mendums Pond
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This past Sunday I enjoyed the view above water from my kayak... completely mesmerized by the silence, the warm, turquoise water of the pond, and the sound of my own paddle moving through the water. Dreamy... Heavenly... I only wish I could have taken more pictures.


Re-designing your website

If you are currently dealing with an outdated website and trying to find the best way to manage the web re-making process you are not alone. Redesigning a large website can be an overwhelming task, demanding much effort and expense. In some cases, the re-design can do real damage. Here is an interesting article on this topic. It shows that even a task of such magnitude can be achieved... if taken step-by-step... in small portions.


People Networks™ is my husband's Web2.0 company